Miracle-Gro Garden Defense Garden Disease Control Ready-To-Use 709mL
No matter if it’s the growing season or the dormant season, it’s always the season for potential plant diseases. Protect your ornamentals, flowering plants, fruits, and vegetables with Miracle-Gro® Garden Defense™ Garden Disease Control Ready-to-Use. It’s specially formulated with low concentrations of copper. Controls powdery mildew, early blight, bacterial canker, and many other plant diseases*. Plus, it’s biodegradable, so it decomposes into something useful to both plants and microbes. This ready-to-use product is designed for use on outdoor and greenhouse plants – including leafy, root, bulb, and fruiting vegetables. Just be sure not to apply within one day of harvest. For best control, begin treatment 2 weeks before disease normally appears or when weather forecasts predict a long period of wet weather, or when disease first appears.